Attention Shoppers
And wouldn't you know, I stumbled upon a game that captures the horror perfectly. This month I am going to be talking about The Last Chance Supermarket.
Players are given a list of items they need to collect. Items such as Orange Juice, Toy Robots, Printers, cook books and Wreaths. Once all of your items are collected, you must make your way to the register to pay. This is no easy task, there are other shoppers who are also trying to do their last minute shopping. One wrong move will lead to a fatal collision that will ensure that your family will have a very cold winter. |
Art and Design
Trying to grab all the items on your list while avoiding shoppers and obstacles becomes a balancing act. If you focus too much on simply grabbing your items you will undoubtedly run into a shopper that takes the corner too quickly.
You are being timed, but you are not punished for taking too long, You need to attempt to avoid grabbing items that are not on your list. Your list varies up a bit with every play through. You will have to work quickly as other shoppers might snatch up something you need. If you make it to the check out line you will be shown a completion screen that will tell you just how good you did.
The only suggestion I could think of is, adding those mirrors that they hang in the corner of super markets. Adding some of those in this game would allow for the player to see what is around the corner. This will help avoid cheap deaths.
Closing Time
Happy Holidays.
Last Chance Supermarket was developed by Sebastian Lague - @SebastianLague |