As a fan of the game and a game designer I frequently visit the forums to see what strategies players are coming up with, what is being tweaked and what new game ideas are catching the interest of the fans. If you frequent the forums you know there is no shortage of fan wishlists. They are always asking for new characters, weapons and abilities.
I am always skimming through these posts, analyzing and taking notes. As a game designer I have found out that game forums and fan wikis are some of the best places to find great feedback from players.

The fact of the matter is that these three alien races are just a bit too complex to get working. Even with them being unlikely candidates for multiplayer I still wanted to to take a crack at making this motley crew into playable functional characters.
I looked at this problem as if Bioware walked into my office and said "Danny, we need you to come up with the basics for a Hanar, Elcor and Volus character in multiplayer." Here is what I came up with.
Characters and Classes

I made sure to give these characters a familiar ability that players should instantly know how to use and two new abilities that are unique to each character.
The idea here is that the new characters are would be true support classes. Each character has one ability that specifically boosts the abilities of their squad. They would gain experience points for buffing teammates, and whenever a teammate earns points while using the benefits of their power up moves. Essentially they gain more assist points compared to other characters.
Hanar Adept

With their home world and way of life threatened they sent their Drell to assist in the war against the Reapers. Many Hanar could not simply wait around for the war to reach them. They decided to join their Drell on the battlefield, creating biotic barriers and powerful toxins to defeat their enemies.
- Biotic Armor - Can't carry a weapon - Can throw warps as a standard attack - Alternate attack is pull |
Barrier : 1400 (max) Health: 450 (Max) Class : Hope of Kahje Fitness : Enkindler Adept Ability 1 : Toxin Cloud Ability 2 : Reave Ability 3 : Over Watch Melee : Mini biotic pulse Heavy Melee : Heavy Biotic Pulse Evade : Short Biotic Dash |
Reave - Drains enemy health and increases resistance to damage while it is in effect.
Over Watch - The player creates a biotic sphere that gives any allied player in it an additional layer of protection in the form of a barrier (400 hp). This ability can be leveled up to add stronger barriers, to synergize with bitoics adding a small damage boost to their attacks and to increase the range of the sphere.
Players can effectively weaken the enemy faction by using their Toxin Cloud ability and tossing a few warps to weaken armored targets. Reave allows the player to become damage resistant. Even though the Hanar Dept has fairly high shields they are still vulnerable to attack as they can only effectively take cover on large objects. With their Over Watch ability they can effectively boost the squad's survivability by granting them a small biotic barrier.
Hanar adepts can easily set up Biotic Explosions with their Reave/Warp combo. This is essential to helping their squad deal with mobs of weaker enemies.
Elcor Warrior

With their home world of Dekunna under siege many make an exodus to the citadel. The few that stay behind are the proud battle hardened Elcor Warriors. These massive living tanks bring as much fire power as an alliance light tank. Using complex V.I.s these warriors can make calculated and precise strikes against their enemies.
- 1 back mounted missile pod - 2 back mounted miniguns - 2 heavy gauntlets - Full body armor - V.I. Integrated battle System |
Shields : 2500 (max) Health: 1800 (Max) Class : Proud Elcor Warrior Fitness: Pride of Dekunna Ability 1 : Missile Barrage Ability 2 : Fortification Ability 3 : V.I. Assisted Targeting System Melee : Gauntlet smash Heavy Melee : Double Gauntlet Smash Evade : N/A |
Fortification - Reinforces armor and increases melee damage.
V.I. Assisted Targeting System - Reveals all nearby enemy locations. All weapons get a damage boost toward affected enemies for a short period of time. Affected enemies also take a small damage boost to head shots. This power can be leveled up to last longer, increase the damage boost and allow tech powers to get a damage boost while the V.I is in effect.
They can not carry any weapons into battle but they instead come equipped with two miniguns. The miniguns on their back have a long warm up and cool down time. These miniguns are effective and mid to long range and they can shred through shields and armor. At close range the Elcor will have to rely on their squad to keep enemies off. The Elcor does have a melee attack but it is slow (although just as strong as the Korgan's heavy melee).
The main role of the Elcor soldier would be to stay toward the back of the battlefield spotting enemies using it's V.I Battle System and bombarding them with their missile pod ability. The role of the Elcor is best described as living artillery emplacement that can easily soften up tough enemies and help annihilate groups of weaker ones.
Volus Engineer

The Volus are better suited for a war of words, negotiating trade and politics over dealing with incoming fire.The Volus do maintain a powerful fleet of cruisers and bombers but they rely on their Turian allies to handle any conflicts planet side. As the war progressed the Volus knew that they would need to support their Turian troops not only in ship to ship combat but on the ground.
The Volus engineer wears a prototype hard suit that increases it's strength and agility. The hard suit is protected against depressurization allowing the Volus to be on the battlefield in a indirect support role, strengthening troops and fortifications.
- Prototype hard suit that allows the Volus to engage in indirect combat without the risk of depressurization. - Hard suit allows for greater maneuverability and enhanced strength. - Incendiary Omni-blade. - Volus can only equip Submachine guns and heavy pistols. |
Shields : 650 (max) Health: 300 (Max) Class : Volus Auxiliary Machinist Fitness : Pressurized Hard Suit Ability 1 : Fortification Drone Ability 2 : Overload Ability 3 : System Upgrade Melee : Pistol whip (standard melee) Heavy Melee : Incendiary Omni-blade Evade : Side Step |
Overload - Overloads shields, barriers and synthetics.
System Upgrade - Sends out a radial pulse that grants a temporary boost to the weapons and tech powers of allies. This power can be leveled up to increase the bonus to squad weapons and to decrease the shield regeneration time of allies.
Their first ability is the fortification drone. This drone can be activated in a pinch to create quick cover for when the player or their squad is caught in the open. If used properly the fortification drone can be used as a blockade to keep stronger enemies from advancing. When fully leveled up it can even help by restoring the shields of the squad and even make use of a stun attack that will paralyze weak or unprotected enemies.
Just like the other engineers the Volus has an overload attack that can be used to strip enemies of shields and barrier. This can be even more useful if the player were to equip heavy pistol to deal with armored opponents. Players can ignore overload and equip a submachine gun to deal with shields if they wish. Players can equip both if they like although it is not recommended since the Volus is a power based class the player would want to keep their cool down time low.
The System Upgrade ability is where the Volus shines. This ability is crucial to assisting the team deal with stronger enemies. This ability has a high cool down even when leveled up but it is a great asset on the battlefield. When this power is maxed out it can even reduce the shield regeneration time of the squad. The only main drawback of the power is that it only affects squad members that are within the radius of the player.