Connect Four: The Next Generation
Gameplay Video
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Connect Four: The Next Generation
On today's episode of Indie Arcade, the guys go head to head in this hybrid of curling and connect four. This game oozes style and mystery. Why is there a cuckoo clock on the ice? What is that wizard alligator? Why would anyone watch this? Tune in and check out this interesting game!
Gameplay Video
The Deluxe version allows for more players and computer opponents.
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Dungeon Brawler!
Welcome to another edition of Indie Arcade! On this episode we take a look at Crawl. Crawl is a 4 player local multiplayer that pits the players against one another as they try to escape the dungeon. Only one player at a time can be the hero, with the remaining players taking on the role of the monsters in the dungeon. This makes for a fun competitive party game!
Gameplay Video
was developed by Powerhoof - @Powerhoof
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
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Welcome to another edition of Indie Arcade! On today's episode, we take a look at Chambara! Chambara is stealth death match where players blend into the environment, hiding in their characters corresponding color. If Chambara looks familiar, it is one of the games we checked out at the MIX event at E3!
Chambara was developed by Team OK Games - @teamokgames
Chambara is available on PS4.
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,Twine, instagram and Youtube This Bus Makes All The Stops!
Welcome to Indie Arcade! Today Andrew gets behind the wheel of an out of control bus, which is also the protagonist of this game. Some of the objectives Andrew must take on mundane tasks such as taking a tour group around the city, bring fireworks to the annual fireworks show and demolish a building via airdrop!
Gameplay VideoCredits
Omnibus was developed by Buddy Cop Games - @OmniBusGame
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
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The Media Indie Exchange (The MIX) is an indie game showcase where indie game developers can show off their games to press. Dannylv100 and Crayyon attended this event to check out the latest indie games for Indie Arcade and
Unfortunately there were way too many games to cover! This is a short video that covers a handful of the games the guys got to play.
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Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,Twine, instagram and Youtube The Age of Aggelos!
Welcome to a jumbo edition of Indie Arcade! On today's episode we take a lengthy look at a promising NES inspired RPG known as Aggelos! Andrew leads us through the expansive metroid-vania world. There is action, adventure and a casual discussion of game design.
Gameplay VideoCredits
Aggelos was developed by Wonderboy Bobi and Storybird.
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Guns Blazing
Welcome to yet another edition of Indie Arcade! In this episode we recommend Enter the Gungeon! Enter the Gungeon is a rogue-like mixed with a bullet hell game. Every room you enter is filled with a variety of enemies that fill the screen with bullets! Check out our gameplay video to see exactly what we're talking about!
Gameplay VideoCredits
Enter the Gungeon was developed by Dodge Roll
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Box to the Future
Welcome to another great edition of Indie Arcade! Today we're taking a look at Puzzle Deptot! Puzzle Depot is a challenging puzzle game that seeks to redefine and revitalize the"Box Pusher" genre. Long story short, it completely succeeds. Puzzle Depot was successfully kickstarted earlier this year. Check out our video to find out why!
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Seek and Destroy
Welcome to another episode of Indie Arcade! Today we take a look at a game that is what you get when you make Doom into a 2D side scroller. Butcher is an awesome throwback to the glorious gibs of yesteryear. Join Dannylv100 and Crayyon as they explore this promising prototype!
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Too Many Extra Guys!
Welcome to another exciting edition of Indie Arcade! On today's episode Dannylv100 and Crayyon take on the indie game known as Just Me and Only Me Against The World! A game where you are a protagonist with a laser blaster arm (not that protagonist) taking on hordes of aliens. You are hopelessly outnumbered until you touch some strange alien particles that cause you to duplicate yourself. You and your personal army on on a mission to take down the aliens!
Gameplay VideoCredits
Just Me and Only Me Against The World was created by @adamgryu
Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
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Dannylv100 I am an Indie Game and Level designer, Consultant and host of Divercast. Popular Podcast Episodes:
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