As someone who visits the Gears forums on a regular basis one thread in particular caught my eye. It was a thread talking about adding a Capture the Flag (CTF) mode into Gears. I read this thread awhile back and I saw that my fellow Gears enthusiasts wanted a objective game mode that is pretty standard to all shooter games.They wanted a Capture the Flag mode.

The question is, would these mechanics work with Gears of War? From the perspective of a designer and fan...no. Not in my opinion at least. When played at a highly competitive level Gears can be surprisingly acrobatic. Skilled players often slide from cover to cover and wall-bounce to travel around the map quickly. If we add a mechanic where the player is slower and loses mobility it would affect the whole flow of the game.

Gears 3 introduced Team Death match(TDM) so why not introduce a CTF mode? After all Halo has one, Call of Duty has one.The mechanics of traditional CTF game don't really fit in the Gears universe. I can see why Epic decided to add a "Gears Twist" to it.

Submission was an awesome mode and in a many ways it influenced the "Capture the Leader" mode in Gears 3. Submission and Capture the Leader are the closest thing to a CTF mode but the fans want something a bit more traditional.
Gears of War 3 implemented a Team Death match game type that remains popular to this day. It continues to be one of the most played modes online. Gears TDM isn't the same as a TDM you would find in Call of Duty or Halo. It has a "Gears Twist" added to it. My point here is that if we were to force the traditional game mechanics of a CTF to Gears it wouldn't work. If we put too much of a Gears twist on the mode players might not identify it as the CTF they have been searching for. I suggest we add just enough of a twist it remains uniquely Gears but still recognizable.
Loader Mech Capture the Flag
My reasoning for this is simple. The loader is something the player is familiar with in terms of gameplay, controls and lore. It gives the player limited mobility but for a reason and context the player will instantly understand. The player in the mech will be a clear target and since the LM does not have any weapons the LM pilot would need to rely on his teammates for protection. The team with the LM takes the offensive while the team without it plays the defensive role trying to defend the flag and recapture the LM.
The LM has no weapons unlike the Silver back mech (SB). The LM can only use melee attacks to defend itself. If the pilot attempts to use a melee attack while carrying the flag he will drop it. The player piloting the LM would need team members to guard their rear flank and form a protective perimeter to ensure it's safety.
The basic rules still apply. If a LM pilot is hit with a smoke/ink grenade he is forced out of the mech temporarily. If he drops the supplies for too long they are reset and spawn at a new location.
List of Maps best suited for Loader Mech - CTF

- Aftermath
- Anvil
- Artillery
- Azura
- Depths
- Sandbar
- Trenches
- Rustlung
Loader Mech - CTF Rules
- Both teams must fight for control of the LM.
- Once a team has taken control of the LM a flag (supplies, ammo crate etc) will spawn in a designated zone similar to a ring spawning in King of the Hill.
- The ring will countdown from 20 seconds. After the time has passed the flag will spawn in the center of the ring. The team in control of the LM must retrieve the flag.
- Once the LM has the flag the must take it to their spawn point in order to score a point.
- The LM can not attack players while it is carrying the flag. It can however drop the flag in order to use it's melee attacks.
- If the flag remains on the floor for more than 30 seconds it will be reset and spawn at a new location on the map.
- If the loader is destroyed it will respawn in the center of the map after 15 seconds.
- Players can knock the pilot out of the LM by tossing a smoke/ink grenade at it.
- The LM can not use melee attacks while carrying the flag. If it attempts to use it's attacks it will drop the flag.
- Players respawn into the game just like in the King of the Hill.
- There are two rounds and they last 10 minutes each.
- There is only one flag on the field at a time.
- Weapon spawns would be similar to King of the Hill but with minor tweaks as needed.( No Hammer of Dawn etc)
- Players can spot the flag, LM and flag spawn points.
CTF - Playthrough