The level you were looking at "Emperor's Square" was entirely pieced out. This was because it had numerous collision issues that could only be solved piece by piece. Just keep in mind that if a level has organic shapes, dips, potholes or etc building collision can get really messy.
I also experimented with this Max Script known as the "T3D Exporter". Which is great in creating quick collision, but I also found it to be too imprecise for my specific needs.
If one player controls the movement then the other controls his combative powers. Its not a multi player game against each other but a mutual and co-operative multiplayer game.
I just want your feedback on the concept if it is good enough." - Krishh, Game Designer @ Manthan Studio
I am not saying that I don't like challenge nor am I saying that I need to have my hand held and lead from place to place. I just need to understand what my objective is so I can use the abilities/skills I am given to achieve that goal.
When playing online a factor that can really break a game for me is if the level just hard to look at. There was a level in Gears 2 I strongly disliked because it was dark, symmetrical and no matter what team you were on each side of the map was identical. It was hard to tell where you were.