So sit back, relax and get ready for another Divercast!
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Originally Uploaded: 3/2/2015
Welcome to Ep.10 of Diver-cast! In this episode we tackle a couple of topics, we start off talking about whether five hours of gameplay is worth the sixty dollar price tag. We then discuss how certain games change and evolve with each iteration. We talk about Call of Duty, Civilization, GTA, The Last of Us and more!
So sit back, relax and get ready for another Divercast!
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Too Many Extra Guys!
Welcome to another exciting edition of Indie Arcade! On today's episode Dannylv100 and Crayyon take on the indie game known as Just Me and Only Me Against The World! A game where you are a protagonist with a laser blaster arm (not that protagonist) taking on hordes of aliens. You are hopelessly outnumbered until you touch some strange alien particles that cause you to duplicate yourself. You and your personal army on on a mission to take down the aliens!
Gameplay VideoCredits
Just Me and Only Me Against The World was created by @adamgryu
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Note: This was originally posted October 30th 2011. I decided to reblog it and update some aspects, including adding some ideas that didn't make the initial cut.
Feudal Warfare
Here is an idea I had for a game called Knights vs Ninjas! The game has a very simple premise, you pick your character (Knight or Ninja) and embark on a journey through Arthurian legends and medieval Japan to find a mysterious treasures and do battle with your rivals! The plot is just something that gets our characters fighting, no real story here, just something along the lines of "Ninjas/Knights are invading! Fight them!".
Visually the game is a mix of Castle Crashers and Super Smash Bros, it would be a very stylized 3D. The characters and background would be rendered in 3D but with cel shaded texture. The gameplay is also very similar. Players do battle in arenas that are set in Medieval England and Japan. The player who can defeat enough opponents by either depleting their hit points or knocking them out of bounds of the arena is the winner. Most game modes would allow for anywhere between 4-8 players. Game modes would be the standard affair such as Free For All to Team Versus, Keep Away and more. The game would feature a single player where players pick a faction and wage war against their rivals across all the stages in the game. Factions and Characters Classes
As of right now each faction has four character classes. Each character can either be male or female. Players will be able to select their gender and customize their appearance (Different armor pieces, colors, emblems, weapons etc). All changes to the characters will be solely for aesthetic purposes and would not affect gameplay.
Each class comes with their own weapons, strengths and weakness. Each class has their own unique weapon upgrade that they can unlock through the weapon upgrade power up that appears randomly during gameplay. Knights Of The High Chair
Chivalrous knights that fight for honor and respect. They are adorned with armor and royal crests. Generally the knights are a bit slower but have higher defensive ratings compared to their Ninja counterparts.
Ninjas of The Unagi Clan
The ninjas fight for the Unagi clan. They wear light clothing that allows for a greater level of agility. They can also strike much quicker then their knight counterparts.
Heads Up Display (HUD)
The Heads up display is simple and easy to read. Information such as the player's health, the number of lives they have remaining are all in display.
Power-ups and Pickups
These are items that can give the player temporary advantage in combat or restore their health. Each pickup is found inside a small treasure chest that spawns onto the stage at random intervals.
Depending on the chest, it may take one strike to open or a few to open. The larger the chest the harder it will be to open. Larger chests have a better chance of holding a rare item, such as a weapon upgrade or Golden Chalice. Power-ups
Pick ups
Abilities and AttacksDefend
Defend - Players can defend themselves from any attack using the defense button. The amount of time and damage they can negate while defending is based off of their denseness rating. The player can only defend for so long before their defense is broken.
If their defense is broken, they will be stunned for a few seconds, allowing an opponent to capitalize. Certain attacks and items are great at breaking defense. Charged attacks can shatter an opponent's defense in as little as one attack.
The amount of damage a player can deal to an opponents defense is based on their attack stat. Higher attack means they can deal more damage and destroy their opponents defense quicker.
Dodge - Players can quickly dodge forward or back while on the ground or in the air. This is meant to be used as a way to quickly move around the map or to avoid incoming enemy attacks as well as cross level hazards. The speed and amount of times a player can dodge is not affected by any stats except for the speed boost power up.
Jump/Double Jump - Players can jump and while in the air jump again for a double jump. The height of the players jump and double jump is based off of their speed stat.
Melee Attacks - Every character in the game has melee based attacks. Certain classes specialize in melee fighting. Melee attacks can be utilized in combination of one another to unleash devastating combos. Melee attacks are the primary way players will deal damage to their opponents.
Different characters have different melee attack speeds. Some characters can attack quickly and in great succession where others have a longer wind up time but deliver more damage. This is based off of their speed stat and character class.
Ranged Attacks - Every character has a ranged attack. Ranged attacks are attacks that can be done from a safe distance to attack an opponent. Certain character classes specialize in ranged attacks.
Charged Attacks - Every character can charge their attacks, whether they are ranged or melee attacks. Charged attacks do more damage, shatter defense quicker and knock opponents back.
To charge an attack, the player must hold their attack button (or attack combination) until their weapon glows (this usually takes a few seconds. Charge up speed is not affected by any stats or power ups). Once the weapons is charged the player must release the button to unleash their attack.
Charged attacks may be charged while standing or in the air (while the player drifts down after a double jump). Charge attacks can be interrupted if the player is struck while charging. Certain weapon pickups can also be charged up as well and can deal more damage or add an additional effect to the pick up.
More to come in part 2
Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me. There is a bit more to Knights vs Ninjas, in fact so much more that I am going to have to cover the rest of it in a second blog post. Part 2 will go over terrain and a bunch of stages I designed for the game. Including a stage that didn't make the initial blog post.
Part 2 will be up at a later date. Follow me on twitter to keep up to date with my blog, twitch, podcast and more. Thanks for reading!
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- Danny Q
Welcome to episode 23 of Divercast! Today the guys tackle a plethora of topics, starting with the nontroversy of Quantum Break being announced for the PC. Yeah some people didn't seem to like that. We discuss what makes a game "exclusive" and how do we define exclusive?
We also talk about the good and bad when it comes to episodic games. We mention games that work as episodic narratives and how some developers are experimenting with chopping up a finished game and selling it to you, piece by piece. Sit back, relax its time for Divercast!
Jimquisition Videos discussed in the episode:Why Square Enix Is Carving Its Games To Bits and The 'Problem' With Episodic Games
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Here are all of the streams for the month of March 2016. You can watch live on my twitch channel! I stream twice a week. #11-#20 in this post.
Stream Highlights # 11Stream Highlights #12Stream Highlights #13Stream Highlights #14Flesh for the Altar!
Welcome to another edition of Indie Arcade! Today we take a look at a Game Jam Game known as Banish! Banish is a game where two players do battle in an arena to summon their God. Players must kill the their opponent to use their body as a sacrifice. Three Sacrifices and the God is summoned! Dannylv100 and Crayyon do battle in the arena and summon their vengeful God!
The developers of this game wan to turn it into a full game. Make sure to give the game a play and send them feedback! Gameplay VideoCredits
Banish was created by Team Banish. Contact them via their email - [email protected]
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Dannylv100 I am an Indie Game and Level designer, Consultant and host of Divercast. Popular Podcast Episodes:
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