Dev Note: This level is designed to average around fifteen to twenty minutes for most players. The time can vary depending on how the player decides to play the game. (Stealth, Combat, exploring etc).
- Single mission/Tutorial
Mission Location
- Present day abandoned ruins of an old feudal era Japanese House
- First part of the map is interior and second half is exterior
- The story within the level consists of a captive Jake tied to a chair and locked in a room trying to escape from his captors. The player needs to escape confinement and escape the makeshift prison. Along his way he must eliminate any mercenaries he encounters or he will be killed on sight.
Visual Themes
- Evidence of the house being torn down by the intrusive mercenary forces
- Contrast between the shipping containers/crates of the mercenaries and the natural quaint look of the Japanese architecture.
- The exterior of the house has a lush jungle that is contrasted by steel shipping containers.
- Makeshift guard towers and other structures brought in by the mercenaries
Mission Difficulty
Middle: The pacing picks up during this section. More enemies begin to engage the player and they player has more room and options on how they could handle the enemy encounters. At this point we introduce newer enemy units (machine gun and shotgun mercenaries) and new weapons (AK-47 and M500 shotgun).
End: The pacing slows down significantly, players are introduced to the stealth aspects of the game. They are encouraged to use stealth to take down the enemies in this area of the map. The layout of the map is still suited for a player that would rather run and gun. We encourage stealth but we make sure the player has options.
Level Goals
- To teach the player how to open doors and pick up items
- Teach the player how to take cover and combat
- Teach the player how to use weapons and melee
- Teach the player how to use cover mechanics for stealth
- Ensure that the player has learned all the game mechanics needed to play the game.
Enemy Units
The enemies the player encounters are skilled mercenaries of various backgrounds and organizations. They operate in a pseudo military fashion. Using a variety of weapons and tactics to flank and outsmart the player.
- Pistol Mercenaries
- Machine Gun Mercenaries - Shotgun Mercenaries |
First Area - Minute 1-4
Living Room - Minute 5-10
There will be a total of five enemies. Depending on where the player enters the room there may be two enemies on the second floor with three enemies on the bottom floor or vice versa.
No matter where the player enters from they will only be dealing with about five enemies. As long as the player doesn't stay in one place too long they should be able to handle the situation and avoid being flanked.
Big Room - Minute 11-15
The key is for the player to utilize the cover. If they decide to just rush the enemies they will be surely be killed by the enemies on the second floor. The player must be smart about how they traverse through this level. In other words, if the player took the high route they are taking a more aggressive role and if they took the low route they are taking a more defensive role.
Patio - Minute 16-21
Hill/Jungle Path - Minute 22-24
This is a completely optional thing for the player and the player is not punished here if they decide to just shoot the enemy.
Shipping Yard - Minute 25-29
Storage Room - Minute 30-34
The player is forced to enter the storage room in a crouching position. This is done so they are already ready to take stealth take down the enemies inside.
I wanted to create an area where it rewards exploration. Sure some players might be able to take out all the guards no problem but I don't want to necessarily encourage the "shoot first" mentality. If the player wants to go guns blazing that is fine, I just want them to think, to set up ambushes and find the best locations to really get a jump on their enemies.
The second guard is a bit of a tricky one to eliminate. If the player attempts to take him out he may be spotted by the third guard. It is best advised for the player to take the second guard hostage and walk them away behind some crates and then eliminate him. This way the third guard wont walk in on you trying to strangle the second guard.