Box to the Future
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Box to the Future
Welcome to another great edition of Indie Arcade! Today we're taking a look at Puzzle Deptot! Puzzle Depot is a challenging puzzle game that seeks to redefine and revitalize the"Box Pusher" genre. Long story short, it completely succeeds. Puzzle Depot was successfully kickstarted earlier this year. Check out our video to find out why!
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Up Your Arsenal
The Gears of War 4 beta is now upon us! And as an avid Gears of War fan I have been keeping up with all of the news. A screenshot from the Gears 4 caught my eye. In this screenshot we see one of the new enemies in the game holding a Hammerburst, the reliable Locust rifle from previous games. The strangest thing about this, it still bears the the Locust colors and even the Locust emblem!
Note: Hammerburst will be abbreviated as HB.
COG Hammerburst - Hammerburst Mk. III
Lore: "At the end of the Locust/Lambent conflict, the COG found themselves severely crippled and low on supplies. COG forces struggled to rebuild their supply of Lancer rifles, however resourceful COG engineers now had a surplus of Hammerburst rifles. They began to re-engineer the crude Locust design and streamline it. The Hammerburst Mk. III began to fill the gap the Lancer had left behind. It was quickly adopted by COG soldiers for scouting missions and made an excellent companion weapon for COG snipers."
The COG Hammerburst aka The Hammerburst Mark III, is a mid-long range battle rifle. It packs a powerful punch and kick to match. Equipped with a rugged optic scope, the Mark III makes a great weapon for dealing with distant targets with impeccable accuracy. It has a semi-auto and a three round burst fire mode that can quickly take down a man sized target.
The 3 round burst of the Mark III is much more manageable than the 6 round burst of the original Hammerburst and offers more stopping power then the HB II. In semi-auto, the Mark III offers the same power and accuracy of the HB II but has more recoil due to the Mark III's lighter weight.
Just like it's predecessor, The Mark III allows players to go into a first person mode where the player uses the rifle's optics in a first person view to take aim at enemies. However, the optic sight is made for durability, this means the optic's zoom leaves a bit to be desired as the magnification of the scope is minimal. Breakdown
The weapon is designed to be visually similar to Longshot Sniper Rifle and Markza. This visually similarity with help players understand and read the rifle as a long range weapon. Instead of being the trademark locust red, it has a dark blue and gray color scheme that matches the current Lancer's colors.
The red lights of the HB III have been replaced with the traditional COG blue. The Mark III has been stripped down and built back up, removing excess weight, making lighter. A synthetic stock has been added, however if fired rapidly the recoil can cause the weapon to kick, resulting in a loss of accuracy.
Battle Ready
What do you think? Do you think that I designed a convincing COG Hammerburst? Do you think the COG wouldn't change the Hammerburst from it's Gears 3 Interpretation? Do you have a few notes or suggestions? Leave a comment here orsend me a tweet.
Thanks for reading!
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Welcome to the first installment of a new segment called DLC (Divercast: Lost Chapters). These are audio segments that were cut from DIvercast episodes and recording sessions, either for going off topic or for time constraints. DLC episodes are meant to be free flowing and served up in smaller chunks for easy listening.
In this Segment, Danny, Andrew and Christian discuss movies, specifically upcoming movies. Dannylv100 talks about how tired he is with the barrage of superhero movies and the guys criticize him for being "too negative". So sit back and relax, Everybody loves DLC!
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Welcome Divers! This is Divercast episode twenty four - What's NX for Nintendo? In today's episode Dannylv100, Crayyon and Greenjoker24 discuss Nintendo's new console, the NX and Nintendo's tendency to not send dev kits to third party developers. How will this affect the NX? Was this the downfall of the Wii U?
The guys also talk about the age old "Ideas Guy" in the game industry. Do you have an idea for a videogame? Do you have no idea or ability to make it? Well there might be a job for you...or not! Is there The guys also go on a mini tangent about Capcom's ability to make in-game menus needlessly complicated and frustrating. Christian also talks about the current issue of Rage Quitters in SFV. So sit back, relax and get ready for another Divercast!
Are you a Street Fighter Five fan looking for a group of people to play with? Are you in the Los Angeles area? Check out DVD AVE! They have weekly SFV tournaments!
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Don't forget to check out our affiliate! Indiebox is a subscription service that delivers collector edition indie games straight to your door step every month. Referral code: Divercast.
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Welcome to another episode of Indie Arcade! Today we take a look at a game that is what you get when you make Doom into a 2D side scroller. Butcher is an awesome throwback to the glorious gibs of yesteryear. Join Dannylv100 and Crayyon as they explore this promising prototype!
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Dannylv100 I am an Indie Game and Level designer, Consultant and host of Divercast. Popular Podcast Episodes:
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