A large evil corporation known as HOLOCORP sends mercenaries to an alien world to collect artifacts and DNA for scientific purposes.
Kate T. and Bob, the mercenaries sent to this alien world are not phased by the prospect of danger. As long as the money is good and the arsenal is well stocked, they are ready for anything. |
Art and Design
The soundtrack to Greedy Guns sets the mood perfectly. At first it is low and somewhat ominous, setting the mood perfectly for exploration.
As the action starts, the music picks up. It never becomes a distraction but something that perfectly accompanies the tone of the gameplay. It is safe to say that the music in the game is solid. |
On the gameplay side of things, Greedy Guns is pretty solid. The meat and potatoes of it are exploring a huge world and shooting enemies to collect cash coins.
The animation is great and the shooting feels right. Platforming is a important part of the exploration and it is also good. I played the game with a wired Xbox 360 controller and I would recommend it over the default keyboard controls. |
Every now and then, players will come across kiosks where they can purchase new weapons with their cash their earned from defeated foes. Players are currently allowed to carry up to two weapons.
Your standard blaster pistol has infinite ammo and no recharge time. The other weapons will need to recharge, the duration of the recharge will depend on how much ammunition is used. |
The first thing I noticed id that there is no grenade or grenade like weapon, and yes I did buy the grenade launcher in the beta, but I mean is that the player does not have a grenade, which is a staple of the Metal Slugs series. Maybe for now their is no grenade, maybe it needs to be unlocked or added into the game still, but my point is you will quickly be wishing for explosives once the enemies begin to mob you.
Some enemies, I can imagine the melee not being to effective against (those darn flying spiked pears!, and those darn rolling spike enemies!), but I feel that when I get up close and personal with an enemy, I just want to slash at it with a machete!
One thing I love about Melee weapons in Metal Slugs, and this is a small detail but in some of the games it varied from character to character, adding a bit of personality. |
In this case, the controller was far superior. That isn't to say that the controls were perfect, they can still use some fixes in terms of button layout, but this is somewhat minor and can easily be a quick fix in the options menu.