We planned out the rest of the story that day. When we came to the end we realized that the ending was literally just flipping a switch. We couldn't have the player beat a few levels just to flip a switch. I said that the T-Rex should reappear and attack the player as some sort of boss battle. We all laughed and then Juan turned to me and said "Make it happen" I turned to him and said "Where do I even begin?" and he replied "Deal with it".
When i first started sketching out the boss fight I had this idea which I completely took from the movie "Carnosaur". In the movie this rampaging dinosaur is killed when the protagonist drives a forklift into the dinosaur impaling it and killing it. So for Freeze-E Frosty's We were going to pay homage to that scene and have Frosty drive a forklift straight into the belly of the Rex and scoop out it's insides. Due to time constraints that idea got scrapped. The Forklift is still in the game but the player can't drive it.
When I was drawing the boss fight out on paper I knew I wanted it to be pieced out into three separate parts with an intro and an ending. It took seven weeks to get the three phases done correctly. The third phase was the hardest and most complicated. The first phase had the T-Rex come out and use some simple bite attacks to damage the player. He attacked in a simple pattern and was always vulnerable to be frozen. In the center of the boss fight area was a glowing red steam pipe. The player was to freeze the pipe causing it to burst and shoot steam directly at the T-Rex.
It was simple enough but every phase got a little more complicated. In the second phase of the boss fight the Rex was much more aggressive and would attack the player with greater speed. He was always vulnerable to being frozen but even then the player would have to dodge diligently to avoid being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of attacks.
The debugging process was about two weeks by itself. It was a lot of tweaks to the animation and attack patterns / damage / Hit points. It was during these weeks I worked on phase three. Phase three was already complete but it was the most complicated phase. For one the Rex had three standard attack patterns where he would swivel from place to place biting at the player and roaring. With each roar icicles would fall from the ceiling. He then has his Mega Roar and stomp combo where he would stomp send out a shock wave and roar causing a series of icicles to rain down on the player.
What also made phase three unique was that the Rex is now invulnerable to being frozen and the key to beating him was no longer freezing a steam pipe. The key to his defeat was freezing this large ice cream sandwich that held this large steel pipes. Once the sandwich was destroyed the pipes fell and cracked some steam pips causing the T-Rex to be hit with large amounts of steam leaving him in a near death state. As he lay on the floor a swarm of army ants attack him. It was a very odd choice by us but hey we went with it.
- Danny Q