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Hey! I am going to be streaming a new map in Halo 5's forge editor. You can find all the updates here on this youtube playlist. You can watch live on twitch and if you have any questions about game design or etc, feel free to join my live streams and ask questions!
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
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Here are all of the streams for the month of March 2016. You can watch live on my twitch channel! I stream twice a week. #11-#20 in this post.
Stream Highlights # 11Stream Highlights #12Stream Highlights #13Stream Highlights #14Quake 3 in Halo 5
Hey! How is it going? I just wanted to share with you my first Halo 5 Forge map. I wanted to learn the basics of Forge so i thought it would be best to make a map that I always admired. This map is meant to be a homage to The Longest Yard from Quake 3 Arena. However, I designed the map to be played with the Halo 5 mechanics (Thrustes, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, Clambor).
How to Download and Play "The Longest Yard"
If you would like to download and play The Longest Yard, all you need to do is follow my Xbox One gamertag, Dannylv100.
Step 2: Find dannylv100 on your Halo 5 friends list
Boot up your copy of Halo 5. Once you reach the main menu hit the "X" button to see your friends list. If you are following Dannylv100, you will be able to find my account in your friends list.
Step 3: Find Dannylv100's File Browser
Once you selected my account you will be able to view my information and stats. At the bottom of that list you will see a section that reads File Browser. Scroll down to Map Variants and inside that tab you will see The Longest Yard. Select that map and download.
Step 4: Download the Game Mode
After you downloaded the map, back out to the File Browser and select Game Mode Variants. From that tab select FFA Q3A RULES (Free For All Quake 3 Arena Rules) and download.
You will now have "The Longest Yard" and FFA Q3A RULES downloaded into your copy of Halo 5. Step 5: Host a Custom Game
Now that you have both the map and the game mode, you will need to back out into the main menu. Scroll down to the multiplayer section and select Custom Game.
Once you are in the Custom game menu, be sure to select MAP and go to your BOOKMARKS tab. You should find any level you have downloaded in this tab. Scroll down until you find The Longest Yard.
After you have the map selected, back out till you see GAME MODE, select that and scroll down to BOOKMARKS and select FFA Q3A RULES. Step 6: Play the Map
With the map and game mode loaded you are now ready to play the map. Invite your friends (recommended 4-6 players) and start the game!
The Longest Yard - ImagesTips for playing The Longest Yard
Game Mode - Rules and Settings
- Changed starting weapon to SMG. No secondary weapon and Turned off all grenades and grenade pick ups.
- Turned off intro cinematic. - Turned off Radar - Set to Free For All Game type. Score limit is recommend to be set at 20 - Thruster recharge speed to 50% - No Vehicles of any kind Power Weapons and Pick Ups
Note: If you don't like The Railgun, it can be substituted with the Beam Rifle.
Scattershot (x2)
Fuel Rod Cannon (x2) Railgun (x1) Overshield (x1) Damage Boost (x1)
Pro TIP: If you want an even more authentic Quake experience, turn off the Spartan Charge, Ground Pound and Smart Link scope. Do not turn off the thruster pack, as it is crucial for using with the jump pads and map traversal.
Show Me Your Moves!
The Longest Yard is my first creation/Homage that I made for Halo 5. I plan on making a few more maps in the coming weeks. You can follow me on twitch to see my progress. I am currently working on what will become a Big Team Battle Map.
If you decide to play my map, please feel free to leave a comment, tweet me or email me at [email protected].
If I get any videos/images I will be sure to share them on twitter or even make a blog post about them.Thanks you so much for reading! Stay tuned for more!
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
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Welcome to the February edition of Forge! I am going to be trying out a new format. Instead of separate posts for each individual stream, I am going to do one mega post that will feature all the streams for the month. That way the blog feed isn't spammed with constant twitch updates. In this post you will find highlights from Stream #4-#10.
Stream #4 HighlightsStream #5 HighlightsStream #6
Stream #6 was a success! The map layout is done and I am now moving onto adding spawn points for the players and getting this level ready for a playtest. The first half of the stream was dedicated to finishing the layout and tweaking the placements of platforms and jump pads.
PicsGifsStream Highlights
Going to stream one more time and try to hold a play session. Over the weekend I plan on sketching up some ideas for an original Halo 5 map for the Big Team Battle game type (BTB). I will post the sketches to this blog so viewers can see what I am working on and how I plan on doing it.
To Do List
- Finish adding spawn points for the players
- Beautify the map and add some personality - Hold a play session and evaluate what other players think
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Stream #5
Stream #5 went over well! Aside from some technical glitches in the middle, the stream was awesome. Progress in terms of layout was a bit slow, but we're getting there.
PicsStream #5 HighlightsTo Do List
- Finish adjusting the right rocket launcher platform
- Set up the right side shotgun platform - Set up a jump pad from the right side to the left - Add player spawns and game mode mechanics - beautify the map.
I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who joined the stream, followed and subscribed. I intend on finishing this map and then working on a big team battle map. I have some great ideas, so I hope to be able to make a couple decent maps for Halo 5. More soon!
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube Stream #4
Stream #4 went well. Made a lot of progress in terms of finishing up the layout for map. I have the teleporters working, jump pads configured and I made sure to lower the platform with the scattershot so players can climb up easier. In the original Quake map, players had only the option of using jump pads to get to this platform.
I am feeling confident with the layout of the two main weapon platforms. Spacing seems about right for gameplay. This map is only intended for maximum of 6 players in a Death match or Free For All gametype.
Stream #4 was only about 90 mins, but I made a lot of progress. There are only big milestones ahead of me to achieve and I plan on tackling them in Stream #5.
Stream Highlights
Be sure to follow me on twitter and twitch in order to keep up to date and know when I am streaming. Thanks for your time!
To Do List
- duplicate right side of the map to left in order to create symmetry
- Fix lighting and coloring of map - place player spawns around the map - Make sure spacing and distance of weapons/teleporters/jump pads is refined for optimal gameplay experience - Create game mode to properly recreate Quake 3 feel - Hold a play session with a small test group to make sure the map works and functions properly - Add pylons for Stronghold gametype
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube
As you may know, I have recently started streaming on Twitch. I am taking a couple days out of the week to stream level design for a few hours. Anyone is welcome to join the chat room and discuss games and levels with me while I am streaming.
The first level I am making in the editor is a recreation of The Longest Yard from Quake III Arena. Once this map is complete I plan on continuing on to design a few original creations for Halo 5's Big Team Battle game mode.
Stream Highlights
Be sure to follow me on twitter and twitch in order to keep up to date and know when I am streaming. Thanks for your time!
Streaming on Twitch
I just started streaming some level design on my newly created twitch profile. You can follow to my twitch channel here and to make sure you know when I stream, be sure to follow me on twitter. I plan on streaming at least once a week. I am currently building a Free For All level for Arena, but I do have plans on designing a few Big Team Battle maps in the near future.
Here are some in game progress shots from my first stream.
Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Tumblr, IndieDB, Twitter, Mixcloud,Soundcloud,clowdy, instagram and Youtube
Welcome to the third installment of Freeze-E Frosty's - Developer Commentary. In this video series I will go behind the scenes of the third level of Freeze-E Frosty and share with you my design process.
Further Notes: Level 3
- This level was the most test played section in the entire game.
- This section features over 815 kismet sequences. - Sections from the main menu area can be seen in the background of the first phase of the boss fight. - The boss fight was all scripted inside of kismet through matinees. - The hit points for the boss had to be tweaked constantly. Some play testers could not even freeze him once before dying. - Originally, when you died during the boss fight you would have to start over from the start of the level. We decided to make it easier by allowing you to start off from when you died. - Originally, when defeated the T-rex would explode. |
Dannylv100 I am an Indie Game and Level designer, Consultant and host of Divercast. Popular Podcast Episodes:
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