Changes you may not have noticed

- There is no sound/audio cute for when you are severely injured as in previous game.
- You can now do a running vault over cover and leap onto raised surfaces.
- You can only set one grenade at a time as a proximity bomb.
- Melee speed has been reduced.
- A player with a raised chainsaw will not be stunned if shot, only stunned if they are shot when attempting to rev the chainsaw.
Yank and Shank
The new addition of the "Yank and Shank", a new mechanic where a player in cover can yank over a player from the other side, leavint them stunned for a brief second. While stunned they are open to a knife execution.
I was skeptical about, and even during the beta I wasn't sure how to feel about it. After spending hours in the multiplayer I can say that it was a great addition to the cover based combat. It adds an offensive mechanic to taking cover and pairs very well with the mantle kick. |
For those of you not familiar with the Gears of War Series, "B" is the melee button, naturally I would press "B" and I would simply melee at the target, only to be blown away by a shotgun. I tried "X", because that is the interact button, the button to open doors, press switches and pick up ammo. That doesn't work. It took me a little while to realize that it was actually "Y". Why is that a strange choice? B is the default melee button, therefore in my mind it automatically meant "Knife", a knife is a melee weapon. Y has be the "point of interest" button.
Leagues and Game Modes
Social is a rolling playlist that rotates through modes and maps. Players are allowed to join and leave mid game without penalty,offering a relaxed environment.
Co-Op vs Ai sets a team of players against an all computer controlled team. Players can select the difficulty of the bots to set the challenge. This is a welcomed addition and a great way for new and returning players to become familiarized with Gears. |
Execution has been moved to the competitive playlist alongside Escalation, a new game mode that is being touted as the MLG game type. Escalation pits two teams against each other, trying to either earn 210 points or capture and hold all 3 rings to win a round. Win 7 rounds and the match is yours. Escalation lives up to it's competitive namesake and I do see a lot of high level players continuing to invest their time and energy into this competitive mode.
Credits, Scrap and Packs
Most cards when scrapped yield an abysmal amount of scrap. A common card can get you five measly pieces of scrap. If you want to buy a common emblem, you're looking at forty pieces of scrap to craft!
If a player would like to craft a legendary character, they are looking at spending 2,400 pieces of scrap! That means they would have to scrap 480 common, 120 Rare, 16 ultra rare or 4 Legendary cards. |
Restructuring Card Packs
Daily Login Packs
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